HMPS Bag In Box With Integrated VFFS

HMPS 1000 is a machine with integrated VFFS. It is designed to erect, load and seal an RSC carton containing a 2kg bag of cream cheese. Of particular interest in this project is the system integration. This video shows the bag in box that HMPS designed. It integrated their end of line packaging to work with the filler, wrapper and conveyor system of other independent suppliers.

With the application for the food industry, the machine is set up with all the necessary precautions to deal wash down should any spillage occur. As a result, HMPS developed IP56 waterproof electrical components and IP66 in filler zone to cater for this requirement.

Additionally, other features include upstream & downstream interfacing for automatic production. Since the machine is designed to run a range of product and carton sizes, it can offer the customer production flexibility.

See more Erector and Sealer

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